What is the Albedo Effect?

The term "albedo effect" is frequently used when discussing the climate crisis. This effect has various types, such as spectral albedo, planetary albedo, and higher albedo. The feedback loops between high and low albedo can cause fluctuations in global temperatures.
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Albedo and Solar Reflection

Albedo refers to the amount of solar radiation that a surface reflects. A surface with a high albedo reflects a significant amount of solar radiation back into the atmosphere, while a surface with a low albedo reflects very little solar radiation and absorbs it.
arial shot of area with high albedo
Glacier image

The Albedo Scale

The albedo scale ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating that a surface absorbs all light and reflects none, while 1 means that a surface reflects all light and absorbs none. The global average albedo of the Earth is 0.3, which implies that roughly 30% of sunlight is reflected back into space from the Earth's surface. This also means the Earth absorbs around 70% of the sun's radiation.

The Impact of Albedo on Global Climate

Throughout Earth's history, a stable global climate has been maintained by having a stable global albedo. However, any changes to the worldwide climate or albedo will affect the other, potentially creating a feedback loop.
global albedo image

Albedo and Snow/Ice Coverage

Regions covered in snow and ice have a high albedo, meaning they reflect solar radiation back into space. The Arctic and Antarctic regions are good examples of high albedo areas due to the sea ice and glaciers present. Other locations with sea ice and glaciers also exhibit high albedo properties.
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Melting Snow & Ice Createing Darkening Surfaces

High Albedo is crucial because it prevents the radiation from being absorbed by the Earth's oceans, ultimately contributing to warming the planet's surface. The balance between the amount of ice and snow on the Earth's surface determines how much solar radiation is absorbed or reflected.

Conversely, dark surfaces with low albedo absorb more energy and cause warming. Unfortunately, the melting of snow and ice creates dark surfaces that contribute to a self-reinforcing effect - the more ice melts, the darker the surface becomes, and the more energy it absorbs. This, in turn, leads to more melting and further warming.

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Vulnerability of the Arctic

The Arctic is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The influence of climate change in this region has a significant impact on global climate change. As more ice melts in the Arctic, it contributes to rising sea levels and changes in ocean currents. These changes can have far-reaching consequences, including altered weather patterns and extreme weather events. Overall, it's clear that the relationship between ice and snow cover, albedo, and global climate change is complex and requires careful consideration.

Decreasing Albedo & Global Warming

Over the years, scientific research has shown a decrease in the Earth's albedo, which is a significant contributor to global warming.
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Alarming Rate of Albedo Decrease

This is a significant contributor to the issue of global warming, as the albedo of the planet plays a crucial rolein regulating its temperature. Specifically, the average albedo of the Arctic hasdropped by approximately 1.5% per decade since the early 1980s, which is asignificant decrease. It is important to note that even minor alterations in albedo can significantly impact global temperatures, making it a crucial area of study for climate scientists.

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Positive Feedback Loop & Warming Climate

The decrease in the Earth's albedo, or reflectivity, is a major contributor to the planet's warming. As the Earth's surface becomes less reflective, it absorbs more of thesun's energy, leading to even warmer temperatures. This creates a positive feedback loop, as the warmer climate causes a decrease in seasonal snowfall and the melting of sea ice, further lowering the albedo.

MEER's Solution: Surface Reflective Technology

MEER is developing surface reflective technology that can help restore the Earth's albedo. By increasing the reflectivity of the Earth's surface, we can restore balance to the planet's energy system and repair the beautiful phenomenon known as Earthshine. Learn More