January 16, 2023
Dr. Ye Tao at Congreso Futuro
Dr. Tao was invited to attend Congreso Futuro in Santiago, Chile, where he presented on the topic "What Inspires Us." Dr. Tao discussed how in a just civilization, capable of longevity, we would want equality of opportunity as well as equal access to happiness, but also we would want to operate within the ecological limits of this planet.
Other Resources
Newsletter October 2023
Project Starting in Pune, India and Dr. Tao Co-authors Paper
October 30, 2023
Press October 2023
Africa's first heat officer is helping women keep cool in Sierra Leone's capital Freetown.
October 11, 2023
MEERTALK October 2023
Overheating Cities on a Hot Planet This fascinating and inspiring talk centered around how to help overheating cities through urban engineering. Ronita Bardhan is an architectural engineer and urban studies educator, with a PhD in urban engineering. Bardhan leads the research group - Cambridge Sustainable Design Group (SDG). Her research is centered around data-driven design of built environment for precision prevention from health and energy burdens in the warming climate. She triangulates building physics, engineering, and social science data to develop solutions for realising health and low-carbon energy potential in built environments. Bardhan works on climate heat stress & health in built environment. She has extensively worked in Slum Rehabilitation (social) housing (in India, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Kenya, South Africa and Brazil).
October 1, 2023