January 16, 2023
Dr. Ye Tao at Congreso Futuro
Dr. Tao was invited to attend Congreso Futuro in Santiago, Chile, where he presented on the topic "What Inspires Us." Dr. Tao discussed how in a just civilization, capable of longevity, we would want equality of opportunity as well as equal access to happiness, but also we would want to operate within the ecological limits of this planet.
Other Resources
COP27 MEER Presentation
Dr. Ye Tao explains why efforts towards net zero, while essential, have the effect of reducing the global dimming that is the result of polluting particles, which is actually cooling the planet significantly: a terrifying dilemma that has been largely ignored.
November 9, 2022
MEERTALK November 2022
Since 1988 the IPCC has been the world's leading resource on climate change science and policy recommendations. What if they were working not for the planet but against it? Kyle Kimball's research elucidates how the core function of the IPCC is not to highlight the velocity of climate change but to validate the erroneous conclusions of neoclassical economics.
November 6, 2022
Newsletter October 2022
Dr. Tao presents in Portugal: Dr. Ye Tao recently traveled to Evora, Portugal, to attend the annual meeting of "PROfiling the atmospheric Boundary layer at European scale (PROBE)", a European collaboration funded by the European Collaboration in Science and Technology (COST) involving scientists and meteorologists from national weather observatories of almost all 30 member countries
October 22, 2022