January 16, 2023
Dr. Ye Tao at Congreso Futuro
Dr. Tao was invited to attend Congreso Futuro in Santiago, Chile, where he presented on the topic "What Inspires Us." Dr. Tao discussed how in a just civilization, capable of longevity, we would want equality of opportunity as well as equal access to happiness, but also we would want to operate within the ecological limits of this planet.
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MEERTALK September 2022
FACING OUR CLIMATE ANXIETY HEALTH CRISIS: Human responses to the global climate crisis and the earth’s current ecological state tend to span a wide range, including shock, grief denial numbness and rage. Embedded within the catastrophic risk of the climate crisis or issues of social justice, economic inequality, and cultural bias. Britt Wray shares how we can create personal practices and collaborative activities to strengthen ourselves and our communities? As requested by the speaker, this meeting was not recorded.
September 4, 2022