September 16, 2023

MEER arrives in India

MEER's visit to Fergusson College, Pune, India, was eventful. The lecture delivered by Dr. Tao on September 16th, 2023, covered the organization's goals and vision for India. After the lecture, Dr. Tao conducted a two-week workshop at the college, where interested students learned about the MEER sheet, its application, and various other aspects.

The workshop covered a range of topics, including safety measures while handling the MEERsheet, the physics and technical aspects of the sheet, its application on rooftops, and alterations required for curved roofs in India. Dr. Tao also shared his insights about the Africa project andhis vision for the project in India.

The students conducted research on albedo modification, taking into account the specific weather conditions in India. They created ten samples of the MEER reflective sheeting using different application techniques. They then tested each sample using various types of paper andwhite paint, analyzing the results in both humidity and heat. In order to design the placement of sensors according to wind flow and overall weather conditions, the workshop members visited Hanuman Nagar, Pune, twice to survey the community.

The first visit involved analyzing the site, while the second visit involved conducting a surveyusing a Google form questionnaire to collect information about the households' overall income,electricity consumption, problems caused by heat, and willingness to change their rooftop. The workshop members gained insights into the community's challenges, aspirations, and expectations.

Furthermore, Dr. Tao taught the workshop members how to handle and operate the sensors when they arrived. After the two-week workshop ended, the students continued their work. They placed all the samples on the rooftop of the college and began taking readings in October afterplacing each sensor and weather station.

The observations were taken for two months, and the process of creating graphs for the resultsand writing a report is ongoing. The students' dedication, hard work, and persistence have been commendable, and the MEER Organisation is proud to have contributed to their learning and growth.

Summary coming soon...

Video coming soon...

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