October 2, 2024

MEER Shines at Avishkar: Our Journey at Pune's Premier University Research Convention

Last week, the MEER team embarked on an exciting journey to Pune, India, where we participated in the prestigious Avishkar Competition held at Fergusson College on September 27, 2024. This event is a cornerstone for fostering research culture among students and facilitating interactions between academia, research institutes, and industry pioneers. 

Preparing for Innovation 

In preparation for the event, our team crafted a concise 100-word abstract that distilled the essence of our project, MEER (Mirrors for Earth's Energy Rebalancing). This abstract served as our entry pass into a realm of intellectual exchange and competition among some of the brightest minds in the country. 

The Event Unfolds 

The Avishkar competition began with a spirited panel discussion that featured industry experts and judges. The dialogue was rich with insights on current research trends and methodologies, offering us a glimpse into the broader scientific community's pursuits and challenges. 

After a refreshing lunch break, which also served as a great networking opportunity, we transitioned to the main event - the poster presentations. Categories spanned from Engineering to Psychology, but our project was showcased in the Pure Sciences category. 

Our Moment to Shine 

With only six minutes to present, we focused on articulating how MEER's innovative reflective sheet technology is designed to rebalance the Earth's temperature. We delved into the science behind our materials, the concept of surface reflection, and our ongoing global projects, all vividly illustrated on our poster. 

A highlight of our presentation was a sample model showing how MEER sheets could be applied to rooftops. This hands-on demonstration allowed the judges and attendees to visualize the practical implications and effectiveness of our technology in a real-world scenario. 

The Results Are In 

The anticipation built over the following three days was palpable, and the excitement reached its peak when we learned that our poster had been selected to advance to the next level at the 

university! This acknowledgment not only validated our hard work but also reinforced the significance of MEER's contributions to climate science. 

Looking Forward 

Advancing in the competition is just the beginning. We are thrilled about the opportunity to continue showcasing our work and engaging with the academic and scientific communities at the university level. The feedback and interactions from Avishkar will undoubtedly play a crucial role in refining our project and enhancing our outreach. 


Participating in the Avishkar Competition was an enriching experience that broadened our horizons and connected us with fellow researchers and industry leaders. As we prepare for the next stages of the competition, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of climate technology and making a tangible impact on global environmental challenges. 

Stay tuned for more updates as we progress through this exciting journey and strive to make a difference with MEER, one reflective sheet at a time!

Summary coming soon...

Video coming soon...
