January 7, 2023
MEERTALK January 2023
Dr. Gulrez Shah Azhar explores mechanisms to mitigate the mortality effects of heatwaves. To generate appropriate local heat adaptation measures, he conducted sixteen in-depth interviews of academics, climate-health researchers, medical doctors, community activists, urban planners, and policy advisors with expertise in heatwaves and India.
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Newsletter January 2023
Our newsletter that rounds up any MEER related news!
January 20, 2023
Dr. Ye Tao at Congreso Futuro
Dr. Tao was invited to attend Congreso Futuro in Santiago, Chile, where he presented on the topic "What Inspires Us." Dr. Tao discussed how in a just civilization, capable of longevity, we would want equality of opportunity as well as equal access to happiness, but also we would want to operate within the ecological limits of this planet.
January 16, 2023
MEERTALK January 2023
Dr. Gulrez Shah Azhar explores mechanisms to mitigate the mortality effects of heatwaves. To generate appropriate local heat adaptation measures, he conducted sixteen in-depth interviews of academics, climate-health researchers, medical doctors, community activists, urban planners, and policy advisors with expertise in heatwaves and India.
January 7, 2023